Napoleon’s Whiff of Grapeshot

Napoleon’s Whiff of Grapeshot

  In the later phase of the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte – then a mere Brigadier General (who had, in fact, recently been struck off by the revolutionary Committee of Public Safety and was therefore technically an ex-Brigadier General) famously said that...
Abraham Lincoln: boldness of vision

Abraham Lincoln: boldness of vision

  Abraham Lincoln, at a truly critical moment in American history, presented to a troubled and divided nation a clear and commanding vision: that the United States of America was ‘a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are...
Zhou Enlai, ‘beloved premier’

Zhou Enlai, ‘beloved premier’

  Zhou Enlai was Premier of the People’s Republic of China from the moment the Chinese Communist Party achieved power in 1949, following their defeat of the Nationalist government, until his death in 1976. A dedicated and lifelong communist, Zhou Enlai’s...