
Recent ghostwriting projects

Business leader autobiography

The autobiography of a leading businessman and adventurer who founded his own financial services business while finding time to stay with an indigenous family in the Amazon; hike the Inca Trail; take place in a record-breaking skydive over Everest and become one of the pioneers of private space travel.

Global policy

A thought-leading book by a global policy analyst exploring the potential use of big data and artificial intelligence in future governmental policymaking.

Life story

The life story of the father of a famous African business dynasty, charting the journey from his childhood home in India to a new life in Africa and the family’s struggle to survive and build a business.

“How to” guide

A “how to” guide on doing your own deals to buy small pieces privately-owned land and become your own property developer.

Psychology of leadership

A US banking consultant’s account of his business and management philosophy, drawing on his educational background in psychology.

Start-up consultancy

Articles and web text for a consultancy run by an ex-Silicon Valley group of entrepreneurs offer advice for start-ups and growth stage ventures.

Leadership development

An ex-Olympics sports coach and leadership consultant’s account of how he helps clients develop a personal leadership model that will allow them to continue to function effectively in increasingly senior roles. I have also worked on developing client materials for the consultancy.

Life success

Articles and op-ed pieces on life success and long-term well-being to promote the research-based findings of a Harvard Business School-graduate and investment banker-turned-psychologist.

Tapping into our passions

An inspirational book by an investor and growth-stage leadership coach about how to help people excel at work by tapping into their passions.

Personal development at work

Contributions to a book on personal development in the workplace by a husband-and-wife team of leading gestalt psychotherapists and executive coaches.

Political innovation

A dramatic account of a US political donor’s mission to use venture-capital techniques to drive innovation in the American political arena.

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